New Rose Drop

I have thirteen minutes until I finish work for the day. This is extremely exciting, even more so than usual, because as soon as work finishes I’m going straight online to browse the biggest catalogue for plants and shrubs in Australia. A new type of flower seeds just dropped online and they will sell out very quickly so I need to purchase them as soon as I possibly can. I am really into my gardening and so is my husband, which means this type of thing is what makes our world go round. My husband and I aren’t really into watching TV or going out socialising, all we want to do is buy miniature roses, plant them and watch them grow into beautiful flowers. 

Ten minutes! I am tapping my foot so fast on the ground. I’ve already been to the bathroom and packed my stuff. Now I’m just sitting at my computer pretending to look busy. To my coworkers, it looks like I’m writing an important last minute email with how frantically I’m typing, but in reality, I’m typing out this blog. Writing in my blog was the only thing I could think of that would successfully keep me glued to my chair and I needed to let out all of this nervous energy somehow. 

I wonder what type of flower seeds they’re about to drop. I would love to add a floribunda rose to our garden of roses. There are so many to choose from and their colours are so beautiful. My personal favourite is the rose daybreaker which starts off a light yellow in the middle and slowly gains more colour until it is a beautiful pink on the edge of the petals. I know the perfect spot for the rose daybreaker variety to go. But alas, we shall wait and see!

Okay, with six minutes left of the day, I think it is finally time to turn off my computer and dash out the door. If I leave quick enough then hopefully no one will notice.