Discovering and embracing anti wrinkle injections

As part of my weekend ritual, I love going to the cafe down the street for a late morning coffee. I usually see the same old faces there. There’s the surly young barista, looking a bit seedy after what has obviously been a late night (he should probably get a non-morning job), and the middle aged couple who eat their identical breakfasts in silence. But last weekend, there was a new addition to this sober yet adorable crew: a very attractive older woman.

She was probably entering her late fifties. The only reason I could tell was because of her naturally lightened hair that didn’t have a streak of grey in it and her elegant gold-rimmed specs, which she peered over while reading a tome of a book. I began thinking about how well she’s aged, and how I’d love to look as good as her when I reached her age. I also realised that she couldn’t possibly look that good naturally. Surely she’d had some work done, like anti wrinkle injections. Melbourne clinicians probably do a much better job than the ghastly cliche of cosmetic treatments – women who look like they’ve had their skin stretched too tight over their eyes, over-bloated bulging lips. This woman in the cafe didn’t look like that at all – she had a gracefully aged appearance, with subtle lines of distinction, and minus the sagging jowls and eyelids.

I’m still only in my thirties but it’s probably time to start looking into these options, like dermal fillers and anti wrinkle treatments that can enhance your appearance. I’m going to ask about the treatments at the local place that does laser hair removal. Melbourne doctors actually recommend getting such treatments before it’s too late, that way they prevent the signs of aging rather than trying to fix the damage. If I can look as good as the woman in the cafe did, then I’ll be happy in my old age.